Thursday, February 14, 2013

Suddenly I'm that much closer

Yesterday, I was about to post an update when I noticed that the proof of the wind ensemble version of Chaos ended 100 bars short of where the computer file did. I rooted around in some "older" proofs and discovered one that had an ostinato all the way to the end of the piece. As that ostinato generates all the music around it, that puts me withing striking distance of finishing. I still have the rest of the piano soliloquy to write, but it means that I should meet my self-imposed deadline of finishing by the (cancelled) premiere date, perhaps even much sooner.

My next task will be to get a performance and/or a recording. I have two basic options: 1) ask the SU orchestra to record a demo and possibly perform it, or 2) pay a professional orchestra to do it, either Symphoria (formerly the Syracuse Symphony) or perhaps ERM Media, who do that sort of thing. I looked into costs several years ago, but I don't remember. I think it was about $1000 per minute of music, plus the expense of going to Vienna or wherever it is recorded. That's steep for an 18 minute concerto, so I might have to resort to some "cloud funding" to raise the cash.

I've also been thinking about the program notes for the piece, so I'll post those soon. I don't ordinarily write the notes before finishing a piece, but this has helped me crystallize the rest of piece in my head.

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