Sunday, February 19, 2012

Back to the grindstone

The paste-up arrangement is done now. I've spent the last couple of days arranging the third movement of Chaos for piano and orchestra. They aren't really defined movements because they are so short and the material from the first movement is transposed to the set of the last movement as a coda. It's all played straight through.

I had some Sibelius issues, partly related to transferring it from Finale, that I've finally fixed them (I think), so the next job is to set the middle movement and make the piano more prominent.

Rather than being a soloist, the piano is more like the engine of the structure. There are places where it dominates, but it rarely is completely independent. I'm hoping to rectify that in the middle movement and the closing section. At the end of the first "movement", there is a lyrical section with the piano alone, to be followed by an improvisation section where the piano improvises on given chords over an aleatoric tableaux. The aleatory continues as the second movement proper begins, but the piano is joined by the first trombone as a co-soloist, sort of like Nielsen's flute concerto. I still have to re-score that for orchestra, but I'll also be adding more piano music.

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