Thursday, April 7, 2011

Still catching up

I had a strange dream last night. It was a dream of a dream, in fact. I was at a university where a rehearsal was taking place, possibly York (but different). I dreamt that I dreamt about revisions to my first symphony. Although at the end of the dream, I realised it was actually my second symphony. I could hear it very clearly. I was revising it as I was typesetting it (the original is a fair-copy ms).

When I awoke, I realised it was neither. I was dreaming a new piece. I remember hearing it clearly in my head. Unfortunately, it wasn't a piano concerto, but I might be able to incorporate the ideas into it. A slow section of widely spaced string harmonies (open 5th & octave), two lines of which overlapped. The first movement had a series of interrupting chords that in the revision were preceded by glissandi or runs up to them in the winds.

I'll have to think about it.

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